One of my favourite parts of any film year is award season. It begins in December and culminates in late February with the Academy Awards.

Since I'll never be a member of the Academy, I decided back in 2000 to create a way of recognising my own favourite films and performances. It was somewhat self-indulgent to call them the Toomey Awards but meh, it was the best I could come up with at the time so I'm sticking with the name for now.

You can click here to see the winners and nominees for the past 13 years. I always go off a fiscal year and so the 2013 awards include all films released in Australian cinemas between 1 July 2012 and 30 June 2013.  This is because (1) I'm an accountant by day, and (2) it helps line up with the staggered release of "awards season" contenders in Australia through December, January and February each year.

On that note, you can check out the 2013 nominees by clicking here.  The winners will be announced in 3 weeks!