I don’t think I could ever be a politician.  I’d never be able to withstand the continual negativity from so many people on the internet who are able to say vile things while hiding cowardly under a cloak of anonymity.  It’d get me down.

In my efforts as a film critic, I do try to be honest and constructive.  I always remember a great piece of advice that I received from a cinema owner – “no matter how much you dislike a movie, there’s always someone out there who will like it.”  It’s true.  So whilst I may hate a particular movie, I try to at least think about those people who might find it entertaining.

I’ve had some good/bad feedback through the Rotten Tomatoes website but it’s been nice to get some comments on my own revamped website over the past year.  Most of it is fine but you always get the occasional snarky comment.  I thought I’d share a few of them in this week’s Film Pie blog…

On my semi-positive review for Elysium...

"Who paid you to write this review?? You need to write obituaries because you must be brain dead to enjoy this movie." - Brujarubio

On my negative review to Man Of Steel...

So your basically saying that it would of been better if there was romance instead of action. Are you a girl or something? You clearly have not watched a single superman cartoon or read a single comic." - Rex Redford

On my negative review for Fast & Furious 6...

"Douchebag!! How are u even a critic." - Nick
"I'm with Nick. These movies are pure entertainment. Is it because your wife or boyfriend likes the main bad guy?" - Tina Nobbs

On my thumbs down review for Crazy Stupid Love...

"This is the worst review I have ever read, and unfortunately, I can't look at your website anymore, for fear I may actually become more narrow-minded for it." - Jesse

On my unexpectedly positive review for The Hangover: Part III...

"Bullshit, it's an awful movie." - Dara