
Everything is back on track following my return from wet and windy Melbourne.  I’ve been able to see 12 films over the past 10 days and we’re back on schedule.


Creative Film Advertising


As I mentioned in last week’s blog, the Italian Film Festival is now underway at the Palace Barracks and Palace Centro cinemas.


I was there last Wednesday night at the Barracks for the gala opening night celebrations and screening of Vincere.  I have to say that I was very pleased with the goody bags – a nice touch.


However, what I will remember most from the event was perhaps the most creative cinema advertisement that I’ve seen.  It’s hard to take in cinema advertising sometimes (given that there’s often so much of it) but there are some very creative people out there making these ads.  You have a little more flexibility in the theatres as well – you’re not limited to a mere 30 seconds like you are on television.  It’s often the car or alcohol ads which leave me going “hey, that’s pretty cool”.


But it was actually pasta which grabbed my attention in this instance.  The ad started with a guy on the screen sitting alone at an Italian café with a bowl of pasta in front of him.  He then picked up his phone and started dialling.  I wasn’t paying much attention at the time but suddenly, a guy’s mobile phone starting ringing in the middle of the theatre.  He stood up and then started talking loudly to the guy on the other end.


My first reaction was how rude he was.  I couldn’t believe someone had the audacity to speak so loudly on their phone during the movie.  People were murmuring.  Then, I realised.  He was talking to the guy on the screen!  The man in the audience would say something and then the man on the screen would respond.  It was all scripted with perfect timing.  This went on for about a minute (quite a funny conversation), they both hung up and the guy in the theatre left to a huge applause.  How often do you see that?  An ad getting a round of applause?


I have to give credit where credit is due and my hat goes off to Zafarelli pasta.  I can remember the name as there was a free pack of spaghetti in my goody bag.  I have to admit I didn’t remember the name first off – despite how much I was taken in by the advertisement.  How odd.


Anyway, it was another movie-going experience to remember.


Toronto Film Festival


The Toronto Film Festival wrapped up two weeks ago and I haven’t had a chance to mention the winners.  It’s always great to do well in Toronto since it’s the launch pad for so many Oscar hopefuls.  Slumdog Millionaire won the audience award in Toronto last year and it went on to win the coveted Oscar for best film.


This year’s audience winners were:


1st – Precious: Based on The Novel “Push” by Sapphire.  Yes, that is the full title.  There’s been substantial buzz for this film for a while and the IMDB describes it as being about “an overweight, illiterate teen who is pregnant with her second child and is invited to enrol in an alternative school in hopes that her life can head in a new direction.”  Sounds like a tough sell but I’ll believe the audience.


2nd – Mao’s Last Dancer.  This has now been released in Australia and my mini review is above.  I didn’t care much for it and am surprised to see it included here.


3rd – Micmacs.  A French film from Jean-Pierre Jeunet, director of Amelie and A Very Long Engagement.  The IMDB says – “A man and his friends come up with an intricate and original plan to destroy two big weapons manufacturers.”  That looks like a very interesting movie to me.


The best documentary was won by The Topp Twins which will be out in Australia next month.


Now You See It


A couple of quick things before I finish up this week.  In 1990, I appeared as a 13-year-old on a television show called Now You See It.  I’ve finally gotten around to uploading the clips on Youtube and you can view them at and


Those who know me well will get a kick out of them I’m sure.  At least I got the one movie question right.  I can’t believe I’d even heard of Ben Hur at that age.


Roman Polanski


I had a good friend ask me for what stance I’m taking on Roman Polanski and as this is a political hot potato, my comment is not to comment at this point in time.  A lot of big name Hollywood stars are rallying behind Polanski and it’ll be interesting to see what becomes of him in the near future.


I have returned from my wonderful week off in Melbourne with the Queensland Colts golf team.  It was an absolute blast.  Sadly, I’m now back to normality and am catching up on my movies.  I saw 4 on Sunday alone – just two shy of my all-time record of 6 in a day.  Thankfully, this week is relatively quiet so all should be back to normal within a few days.




Out this week in cinemas would have to be the longest movie I’ve ever seen – Che.  One of my favourite films of 2004 was The Motorcycle Diaries and it focused on the early life of South American revolutionary Che Guevera in the 1950s.


Director Steven Soderbergh has continued the story with this new film.  Che: Part One looks at Geuvara’s part in a successful revolution within Cuba in 1956.  Che: Part Two then centres on a not-so-successful revolution within Bolivia in 1967.


If you watch both films back-to-back, you’ll need to allow 4 hours and 24 minutes.  I’ve seen the first film (which was good but not great) and am just about to start watching the second one.  There’s no full review attached with my e-newsletter this week but I’ll send it through tomorrow night once I’ve finished this endurance test.


The only film I can remember seeing which was even close to this duration was Hamlet in 1996.  It ran for 4 hours and 2 minutes and I can still remember seeing it at the Hoyts Regent in the city.  There were two old ladies who were asking questions throughout the movie (I think they were having trouble with the Shakespearean dialect) and every time they did, there would be someone in the audience yelling out “shhhhhhh”.  It got a little tiring after 4 hours but thankfully there was a 15 minute interval in between – which allowed me to sneak downstairs to Maccas to grab lunch.  So many memories.


Che opens this Thursday at the Dendy Portside and I believe they are showing it as two separate movies.  I’ll be interested to see if they charge you twice or whether there’s a special deal.  I’ll let you know next week.


Longest Movies Ever Made?


The fact that Che is so long has left me asking the question – what are the longest movies of all time?


According to the Internet Movie Database, the honour belongs to The Cure Of Insomnia which was released in 1987.  It went for 87 hours and was shown at The School Of The Art Institute in Chicago.  It is described as “Not really following any standard plot structure, the film mostly consists of poet L.D. Groban reciting his own poem of 4,080 pages, inter-spliced with X-rated film footage and rock music videos.”  It sounds torturous and I have no plans to take it on.


Let’s get serious though and look at some more mainstream movies…


The Russian version of War & Peace (released in 1968), which I believe screened last year at the Russian Film Festival, ran for 6 hours and 54 minutes.  Can’t say I’ve seen that one either.


The director’s cut of Cleopatra (1963) with Elizabeth Taylor goes for 5 hours and 20 minutes.  Thankfully, the regular version goes for only 3 hours and 12 minutes.


One film that we’re all familiar with is Gone With The Wind.  Adjusted for inflation, it is still the highest grossing picture of all time.  That’s hard to fathom when you consider it ran for 3 hours and 58 minutes.  If a current day film was that long, would people really see it?  Our attention spans seem to be shorter and shorter in today’s busy world.


In 1995, I can remember seeing Nixon with Anthony Hopkins not knowing how long it was (forgot to check before I went in).  I started to tire around the 2 hour mark but figured it would be wrapping up soon.  I was wrong.  It ended up going for 3 hours and 12 minutes.  The director’s cut is an extra 20 minutes and I’m in no hurry to see it again.


Other lengthy films of note include Gettysburg (4 hours and 21 minutes), Once Upon A Time In America (3 hours and 58 minutes), Dances With Wolves (the director’s cut goes for 3 hours and 56 minutes).  The Lord Of The Rings trilogy also deserves a mention with each film clocking in around the 3 hour mark.


When I think about it, I’d happily sit through a great 4 hour movie than a dodgy 90 minute movie.  However, you don’t often know how good a film will be before going into the theatre and setting aside over 4 hours of your time (in the case of Che) is a gamble.


Italian Film Festival


In next week’s issue, I’ll cover all the buzz from the Toronto Film Festival which wrapped up next week.  I don’t have the time to squeeze it into this week’s blog.


But before I go, I have to mention the Italian Film Festival which kicks off at the Palace Centro and Palace Barracks Cinemas from Wednesday, September 30.  It runs for 3 weeks and there are around 30 different films being screened.  I’m heading along tomorrow for the opening night preview and hope to catch a few other films along the way.


Tickets are $16 per person and you can find out more at the festival website -


ilm Pie On Vacation


Gasp.  Shock.  Horror.  I’m a day late with this week’s blog.  It’s been a crazily busy week so far and I’m struggling to stay on top of things.  The bottom line is that I’m off to Melbourne on Friday and won’t return to sunny Brisbane for a week.  It’ll be a movie-free week also – as the purpose of my trip is to manage the Queensland Colts golf team as they take on the other states in the 2009 Inter-State series.  It should be blast with Melbourne buzzing in the lead up to the AFL grand final.


As a result, there will be no newsletter/blog next week and there will be no website updates.  You’re on your own folks.  Don’t let that put you off – there are plenty of good movies out there to see and the pick of the bunch is 500 Days Of Summer which is released this Thursday.  Make sure you don’t miss it.


Patrick Swayze


Those who have seen the news today will have learned of the death of Patrick Swayze.  I admit that I wasn’t the biggest fan of Swayze but it sad to see him leave this place at the relatively young age of 57.


He will be most fondly remembered for his roles in Dirty Dancing (1987) and Ghost (1990).  He never earned an Academy Award nomination but he was a favourite actor of many people.  Other notable Swayze films included Point Break and To Wong Foo Thanks For Everything, Julie Newmar.


Perhaps my favourite performance from Swayze was his role as Jim Cunningham in the cult hit Donnie Darko.  If you haven’t seen the film, make sure you do.  Swayze plays a hypocritical self-help guru who is struggling to believe his own material.  My favourite single scene in the film is where he speaks with Jake Gyllenhaal’s character in front of his class at school.  Here’s a quick extract:


Donnie Darko: Good morning.

Jim Cunningham: Good morning.

Donnie Darko: Um… how much are they paying you to be here?

Jim Cunningham: Uh… excuse me? What is your name, son?

Donnie Darko: Gerald.

Jim Cunningham: Well, Gerald, I think you’re afraid.

Donnie Darko: Are you telling us this stuff so we can buy your book? Because I got to tell you, if you are, that was some of the worst advice I ever heard.

Jim Cunningham: Do you see how said this is?

Donnie Darko: Do you want your sister to lose weight? Tell her to get off the couch, stop eating Twinkies, and maybe go out for field hockey. You know what? No one ever knows what they want to be when they grow up. It takes a little while to find that out. Right, Jim? And you… yeah, you. Sick of some jerk shoving your head down the toilet? Well you know what, maybe you should lift some weights or take a karate lesson . And the next time he tries to do it, you kick him in the balls.

<Adults gasp, students laugh>

Jim Cunningham: <chuckles> Son. Do you see this?

Donnie Darko: Right?

Jim Cunningham: This is an anger prisoner…

Man: Remove him.

Jim Cunningham: A textbook example. Do you see the fear, people? This boy is scared to death of the truth. Son, it breaks my heart to say this, but I believe you are a very troubled and confused young man. I believe you are searching for the answers in all the wrong places.

Donnie Darko: You’re right, actually. I am pretty… I am pretty troubled and I’m pretty confused but I… and I’m afraid really really afraid. Really afraid. But I… I think you’re the f***ing antichrist.


I was also saddened to learn of the death of Jim Carroll during the week at the age of 59.  Carroll was the author and poet whom Leonardo DiCaprio’s character was based in The Basketball Diaries.  I remember the film fondly as it was the first film I ever saw at a film festival (in 1995) and it made me stand up and realise that DiCaprio could act.


Toronto Film Festival


The Toronto Film Festival is now in full swing and the film generating the biggest buzz is Up In The Air.  It’s the new film from Jason Reitman, the director of Juno (my favourite film of 2008) and Thank You For Smoking (a great black comedy).  Here’s the quick plot overview from the IMDB – “Ryan Bingham (George Clooney) is a corporate downsizing expert whose cherished life on the road is threatened just as he is on the cusp of reaching ten million frequent flyer miles and just after he's met the frequent-traveller woman of his dreams.”


I can’t wait to see it – the release date is currently January 2010 here in Australia.  It’s certainly emerging as an Oscar front runner and every critic I’ve seen so far has given it the thumbs up.


Other films playing well at Toronto include the new one from Ethan and Joel Coen called A Simple Man and the new Michael Moore documentary called Capitalism: A Love Story.  I’d love to be in Toronto right now but the exciting news is we’ll get to see most of these movies here in Australia.  We just need to wait a little longer.


You can view the trailers for these three films by clicking on the following links.  I think the trailer for Up In The Air is particularly good – grabs your attention but doesn’t give too much away.


Up In The Air -

A Simple Man -

Capitalism: A Love Story -


See you in two weeks!


Last Thursday night, I had a chance to catch Up at the BCC Myer Centre cinemas.  They have recently acquired a 3D projector and this was the first time I’d seen a 3D movie there.

Let me state the obvious and say that if you haven’t seen a 3D movie in recent years, then you definitely need to!  Gone are the old blue/red cardboard glasses that left you with a sore nose after 5 minutes.  These days, you wear special sunglasses and if you’re like me, you won’t even notice that you’re wearing them.  I’m not quite sure how it works though for people who also need regular glasses.  Can you wear one on top of the other?  I don’t know.

The problem that I see is with the cost.  The normal adult ticket price at the BCC Myer Centre cinemas is $16 for adults and $12 for children.  Thankfully, I have a pass that gets me in for $8.50 per movie.  Unfortunately, you have to pay an extra $3 for a 3D movie.  So that’s $19 for adults and $15 for children.  There are no other discounts however.

If you’re a family of four going to see a film such as Up (and many family movies are in 3D these days), it’ll set you back $58 for tickets.  That’s before the price of overpriced snacks.  A normal movie at BCC would cost you $46 for the same group of people.  In fact, you could go to the Southbank cinemas as a family and see a regular movie for just $26.  That’s a huge saving.

The questions that I have are (1) why is 3D so expensive, and (2) is the price a deterrent for moviegoers?

There are currently only 5 cinemas in Brisbane which offer the 3D experience.  They are the four major BCC cinemas (Myer Centre, Indooroopilly, Garden City, Chermside) and the Cineplex cinema at Victoria Point.  As noted above, the BCC cinemas charge $3 more per 3D movie and the Cineplex cinema charges $4.50 more per 3D movie.

When you see a 3D movie, you get given a pair of glasses.  I’ve got numerous pairs sitting on my bookshelf at home.  Let me ask – why can’t I bring my own pair and save myself this cost?  Why should I have to pay (as part of the ticket price) and receive a new pair of glasses each time?  Aside from the financial cost, there’s the obvious waste of resources.  I’d hate to think about how many pairs end up in the bin afterwards.

Ah, but alas.  From what I understand, it isn’t the cost of the glasses that is driving up prices.  The glasses are pretty cheap actually – just like those toys you get at McDonalds with your Happy Meal.  The real cost are the 3D projectors themselves.  That’s why a lot of other cinemas in Brisbane haven’t jumped on the 3D bandwagon yet.  It’s a large capital outlay in difficult economic times.  It is certainly slowing the roll-out of 3D movies.  Why would you want to make one when it can only be shown in a limited number of cinemas?

3D projectors are very expensive.  I don’t have any exact numbers but we’re talking about a dollar sign followed by 6 figures.  So in that regard, I’m sympathetic towards cinema owners and can understand the costs.  If their costs go up, it’s natural to pass them onto consumers.  Otherwise, they’d go out of business.  If this were a giant scam to extort money out of the movie-going public then trust me – a lot more cinemas would have 3D projectors by now.  Think of it that way.

This then leads to my second question though about whether the price is a deterrent?  It’s hard to say for sure.  I’m always puzzled why people go to a BCC cinema and pay twice the price than what they might otherwise do at the Southbank or Balmoral cinemas, for example?  Yet they do.  Perhaps it’s not worth the effort of driving an extra, say, 15 minutes – there’s both a time cost and a petrol cost.  I’m guilty of that and it’s why I see so many movies myself at the Myer Centre and Regent Cinemas – because I live in the city and can’t be bothered going elsewhere.

Using this flawed rationale, maybe the additional cost will be swallowed by the public and 3D cinemas will thrive.  Maybe every cinema in Brisbane will have a 3D projector within 5 years and every second movie will be released in the new format.  Maybe.  We live in interesting times and I sense that the barrier may not be the ultimate cost to the public but the up-front cost to the cinemas themselves.